Cynthia’s Diary – February 5 – 6, 1942

Thursday 5th February

It’s still snowing.  Phoned Charles, Milton pretended it was him.  Kidded me up, told me he was a corporal.  Tried to phone several times got 4d out of phone.  Charles and Gordon came.  We all went to Cranleigh Hotel.  Saw Bob and friend, also Colonel.  Jeff said he likes my eyes.  Ha ha!  Gordon seemed lonesome.  They had to walk back.  Saw sergeant majors and officers etc.


Friday 6th February

Got off with an officer in staff-car.  Did not go out, but washed my hair!  Auntie Pat cam.  Told us little “Zoie” the dog is dead.  Pamela is going tomorrow.  She nearly missed her bus.  Says she’s got to register tomorrow!  Of course, I don’t know if it’s true.  I should think she’s about 37.

Cynthia’s Diary – Feburuary 1 – 2, 1942

Sunday 1st February

All went to Cranleigh Hotel.  All officers etc. there also film star.  Billie met some sergeant majors.  Everyone laughed and joked.  She talked with officers etc.  Did not go out in evening.  Children went to pictures.  Scotty came, Charles mad him jealous.  Gosh!  These boyfriends!!


Monday 2nd February

On way to have lunch, met Naughty Charles, had a little chat.  He’s been to Bournemouth for weekend.  He’s very nice.  Threw snowball at me!  Phoned Charles, but was not there, so spoke to Harold and Gordon.  Phoned again later, and spoke to one of the boys, also Charles, they were playing cards!  Am going to dance tomorrow.

Cynthia’s Diary – January 30 – 31, 1942

Friday 30th January

Mummy and Pamela went to pictures.  I stayed in and looked after Wendy.  Did not phone, as it was too late.  Also Charles was on duty.  Learnt that there was a dance.  They did not tell us!  Dorothy phoned Gordon.  Stayed about an hour.  The weather is cold.


Saturday 31st January

Did not go to Guildford after all.  Charles and Gordon came early.  Went to Cranleigh Hotel.  Saw officers.  Woman sketched us, what a laugh.  Went to dance.  Wilfred Pickles was there.  Had lots fun.  Went for drink with Harold etc.  Stayed weekend in Cranleigh.  Girls all like Charles.

Cynthia’s Diary – January 28 – 29, 1942


Wednesday 28th January

Phoned Edna and Theresa.  Went to pictures saw George Brent and Brenda Marshall in South of Suez.  Also Jane Withers in _____.  Saw several officers including film star.  Also several soldiers I know.  Lots of Canadians.  Gordon said he thinks Dorothy, Billie, him and another guy may go out tomorrow.  Thinks Charles went to dance.  If he can go dancing by himself, so can I.


Thursday 29th January

Some Canadians asked me if I was going to dance Sat.  Gordon, Charles and Bill came.  Did not  go to dance, but went to Cranleigh Hotel, saw my officers.  Went in wrong cloak room.  What a laugh.  Went home, danced etc.  Had bit of party.  Ally and Ginger came.  Boys made terrific din in lorry.  Am going to dance on Saturday.  Bill’s not a bad dancer.

Cynthia’s Diary – January 26 – 27, 1942

Monday 26th January

The snow is nearly washed away now.  Saw some Canadians.  I go to the Community Center for lunches now.  It is very good!  Mummy, Pamela and Wendy went to pictures.  I stayed home.  Phoned Charles about four times.  At last got through about 11 o’clock.  Boys kept joking and saying goodnight etc.  Got Charles out of bed.  They rang alarm etc.  Rather jolly, sent kisses over phone.


Tuesday 27th January

Signed declaration to go to House of Commons, re. Winston Churchill!  Freezing cold weather.  Phoned Charles, he acted a bit jealous, spoke to Fannie.  Went to dance.  Charles was there.  Met Bob, a 1st lieut, also saw captain and lieut.  Saw Ally, also Don etc.  Nearly all Canadians at dance.  Phoned Bob, but he is supposed to have gone on a convoy.

Cynthia’s Diary – January 24 – 25, 1942

Saturday 24th January

Canadians kept saying hello! etc.  Quite a nice lot.  Went to dance.  Charles got jealous because I danced 1st dance with Bill.  Met an American from Hollywood named Don.  Has a ranch, knows Ronald Coleman etc.  Gordon and Charles stayed weekend.  Met lots of Candians.  They are great guys.  They are now at the Cranleigh Motor Co.  Got off with Captain in Cranley Hotel.  Pity the others were there!


Sunday 25th January

Had quite nice time.  Harold and John L. came in evening, and Leslie, Dorothy, Billie, John L., Harold, Gordon, Charles and myself, all went to Cranley Hotel.  Saw Molly Hartley, officer etc.  Danced when we got back, then played cards.  John L. won.  They are very grateful for our hospitality.  We are the first people to treat them like human beings.